Die VAE sind die Heimat von Menschen unterschiedlichster Nationalität mit verschiedensten Fahrstilen – vom gemütlichen Sonntagsfahrer bis hin zum rücksichtslosen Raser. Was kaum jemand weiß ist, dass auch in den VAE defensives Fahrverhalten Pflicht ist, wenn es von den meisten aber definitiv nicht immer befolgt wird.
Allerdings können selbst kleinste Verkehrsverstöße hohe Bußgelder, Punkte (Black Points) und Fahrverbote nach sich ziehen.
Black Points
Bußgelder für Verkehrsverstöße werden in der Regel binnen 48 Stunden verhängt und die Nachricht per SMS umgehend übermittelt. Neben diesen Bußgeldern gibt es auch ein so genanntes „black points system“, welches zu einem rücksichtsvollen Fahrstil motivieren und schlechtes Fahrverhalten abstrafen soll.
Bußgelder und Black Points werden unter anderem verhängt wegen falschem Parken, rücksichtslosem Fahren, überhöhter Geschwindigkeit, Nichterneuerung der Fahrzeugregistrierung etc. Sobald die Gesamtsumme der Black Points 24 übersteigt, kann der Führerschein für 3, 6 oder 12 Monate entzogen werden.
Bußgelder und Black Points werden immer an den registrierten Fahrzeugbesitzer ausgestellt. Dieser kann die Punkte dann an den jeweiligen Fahrer des Fahrzeugs übertragen. Dies ist insbesondere bei Firmenwagen, Privatwagen und Mietwagen möglich, wenn nicht der Eigentümer, sondern der Fahrer die Verkehrsverletzung begangen hat.
Die Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung ist der wohl am häufigsten begangene Verkehrsverstoß. Die erlaubten Geschwindigkeiten sind in der Regel ausgeschildert. Grundsätzlich gilt: innerorts: 60 bis 80 km/h und außerhalb der Orte oder auf Autobahnen 100 bis 120 km/h. In Wohngebieten kann die erlaubte Geschwindigkeit auch nur 40 km/h oder sogar 25 km/h betragen.
Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitungen können hohe Geldstrafen und Black Points nach sich ziehen. So wird zum Beispiel bei einer um mehr als 30 km/h überhöhten Geschwindigkeit ein Bußgeld von 600 AED verhängt. Bei einer Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung von mehr als 40 km/h beträgt das Bußgeld 700 AED. Black Points werden in der Regel erst ab einer Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung von über 50 km/h verhängt. Bei einer Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung von mehr als 60km/h drohen beispielsweise ein Bußgeld von 1.000 AED, 12 Black Points und die Sicherstellung des Fahrzeugs für 30 Tage.
Wenn Sie Hilfe brauchen oder wenn Sie rechtlichen Fragen jeglicher Art haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter Tel: +971 7 236 4530 oder unter office@slg-strohallegalgroup.com.
Eine aktuelle Aufstellung der Polizei Dubai über Verkehrsverstöße, Bußgelder, Black Points und Fahrzeugsicherstellungen finden Sie nachfolgend:
UAE Traffic Violations, Fines and Black Points |
Sr.# |
Description of Violations |
Fine |
Black Points |
Vehicle Confiscation Days |
Ref# |
01 |
Using interior lights for no reason while driving |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3063 |
02 |
Not abiding by taxi drivers obligatory uniform or not keeping it in good condition |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3121 |
03 |
Calling on passengers in the presence of signs |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3044 |
04 |
Not displaying truck’s load on both sides |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3115 |
05 |
Not carrying driving license while driving |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3150 |
06 |
Not carrying vehicle registration card while driving |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3151 |
07 |
Driving without spectacles or contact lenses |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3057 |
08 |
Not using interior light in buses at night |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3090 |
09 |
Broken indicator lights |
100 AED |
2 |
– |
3130 |
10 |
Using horn in a disturbing way |
100 AED |
2 |
– |
3180 |
11 |
Having no red light at the back of vehicle |
100 AED |
– |
– |
3099 |
12 |
Opening left door of taxi |
100 AED |
3 |
– |
3120 |
13 |
No lights on the back or sides of trailer container |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3162 |
14 |
Lights on the back or sides of container not working |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3163 |
15 |
Taxis, which have designated pickup areas, stopping in undesignated places |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3102 |
16 |
Prohibited entry |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3028 |
17 |
Blocking traffic |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3020 |
18 |
Vehicle unfit for driving |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3042 |
19 |
Driving a light vehicle that does not comply with safety and security conditions |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3158 |
20 |
Not lifting exhaust of trucks |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3122 |
21 |
Using vehicle for purposes other than designated |
200 AED |
4 |
7 Days |
3041 |
22 |
Heavy vehicle prohibited entry |
200 AED |
4 |
7 Days |
3147 |
23 |
Violating loading or unloading regulations in parking |
200 AED |
4 |
7 Days |
3119 |
24 |
Carrying and transporting passengers illegally |
200 AED |
4 |
7 Days |
3229 |
25 |
Writing phrases or placing stickers on vehicle without permission |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3228 |
26 |
Not taking road safety measures during vehicle breakdowns |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3038 |
27 |
Turning at undesignated points |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3142 |
28 |
Turning the wrong way |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3178 |
29 |
Loading a light vehicle in a way that may pose a danger to others or to the road |
200 AED |
3 |
7 Days |
3148 |
30 |
Overload or protruding load on light vehicles without permission |
200 AED |
3 |
7 Days |
3154 |
31 |
Stopping vehicle without keeping the distance specified by the law from a curve or junction |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3175 |
32 |
Transporting passengers by vehicle undesignated for this purpose |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3226 |
33 |
Sudden swerve |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3074 |
34 |
Driving a taxi without required license |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3012 |
35 |
Carrying passengers in driving training vehicle |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3093 |
36 |
Driving a taxi with an expired warranty |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3092 |
37 |
Reversing dangerously |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3027 |
38 |
Taxi refusing to carry passengers |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3046 |
39 |
Not securing vehicle while parked |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3220 |
40 |
Parking in prohibited places |
200 AED |
2 |
– |
3032 |
41 |
Parking in loading and offloading areas without need |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3225 |
42 |
Parking on road shoulder except in cases of emergency |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3224 |
43 |
Using multi-colored lights |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3088 |
44 |
Not wearing helmet while driving motorbike |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3059 |
45 |
Exceeding passenger limit |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3047 |
46 |
Driving with tires in poor condition |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3097 |
47 |
Driving with an expired driving license |
200 AED |
3 |
3003 |
48 |
Driving unlicensed vehicle |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3002 |
49 |
Violation of laws of using commercial number plates |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3095 |
50 |
Not fixing number plates in designated places |
200 AED |
2 |
– |
3223 |
51 |
Driving with one number plate |
200 AED |
2 |
– |
3157 |
52 |
Driving at night or in foggy weather without lights |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3061 |
53 |
Using not matching number plates for trailer and container |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3076 |
54 |
Not fixing reflective stickers at the back of trucks and heavy vehicles |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3113 |
55 |
Not using indicators when changing direction or turning |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3026 |
56 |
Not giving way for vehicles to pass on the left |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3081 |
57 |
Not giving way to vehicles coming from the left where required |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3022 |
58 |
Stopping a vehicle in a way that may pose danger or block traffic |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3176 |
59 |
Failure to have vehicle examined after carrying out major modification to engine or body |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3222 |
60 |
Using training vehicles outside of timings specified by licensing authority |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3152 |
61 |
Using training vehicles in places not designated by licensing authority |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3153 |
62 |
Overtaking from the right |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3143 |
63 |
Overtaking in a wrong way |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3144 |
64 |
Driving an unlicensed vehicle |
200 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3221 |
65 |
Abuse of parking space |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3112 |
66 |
Number plates with unclear numbers |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3053 |
67 |
Violating tariff |
200 AED |
6 |
– |
3049 |
68 |
Light vehicle lane discipline |
200 AED |
2 |
– |
3146 |
69 |
Parking vehicles on pavement |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3033 |
70 |
Not showing vehicle registration card when required |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3010 |
71 |
Not showing driving license when required |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3011 |
72 |
Not fixing taxi sign where required |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3117 |
73 |
Not fixing a sign indicating licensed overload |
200 AED |
3 |
– |
3116 |
74 |
Failure to abide by specified color for taxis or training cars |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3118 |
75 |
Failure to display tariff of buses or taxis or not showing them when required |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3048 |
76 |
Broken lights |
200 AED |
6 |
– |
3161 |
77 |
Using horn in prohibited areas |
200 AED |
2 |
– |
3179 |
78 |
Driving below minimum speed limit |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3065 |
79 |
Failure to keep taxis and buses clean inside and outside |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3172 |
80 |
Smoking inside taxis and buses |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3173 |
81 |
Using hand-held mobile phone while driving |
200 AED |
4 |
– |
3220 |
82 |
Pedestrians crossing from undesignated places (If any existed) |
200 AED |
– |
– |
3124 |
83 |
Violating the terms of the driving license |
300 AED |
– |
– |
3004 |
84 |
Parking behind vehicles and blocking their movement |
300 AED |
– |
– |
3035 |
85 |
Towing a vehicle or a boat with an unprepared vehicle |
300 AED |
– |
– |
3085 |
86 |
Driving a vehicle that omits gases or fumes with substances exceeding permitted rates |
300 AED |
– |
– |
3165 |
87 |
Leaving a vehicle on the road with its engine running |
300 AED |
– |
– |
3111 |
88 |
Driving against traffic |
400 AED |
4 |
– |
3080 |
89 |
Allowing children under 10 years old to sit in the front seat of a vehicle |
400 AED |
4 |
– |
3137 |
90 |
Failure to fasten seat belt while driving |
400 AED |
4 |
– |
3058 |
91 |
Failure to leave a safe distance |
400 AED |
4 |
– |
3031 |
92 |
Failure to follow the directions of a traffic policeman |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3016 |
93 |
Entering a road without ensuring that it is clear |
400 AED |
4 |
– |
3071 |
94 |
Modifying vehicle’s engine without permission |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3166 |
95 |
Modifying vehicle’s chasses without permission |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3167 |
96 |
Changing vehicle’s color without permission |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3168 |
97 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 10km/h |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3212 |
98 |
Driving with a driving license issued by a foreign country except in permitted cases |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3006 |
99 |
Not renewing vehicle registration after expiry |
400 AED |
– |
– |
3008 |
100 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 20km/h |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3214 |
101 |
Exceeding permitted level of car window tinting |
500 AED |
– |
30 Days |
3089 |
102 |
Not giving way to emergency, police and public service vehicles or official convoys |
500 AED |
4 |
– |
3021 |
103 |
Driving a heavy vehicle that does not comply with safety and security conditions |
500 AED |
– |
30 Days |
3159 |
104 |
Failure to stop after causing an accident |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3128 |
105 |
Driving a noisy vehicle |
500 AED |
– |
30 Days |
3060 |
106 |
Allowing others to drive a vehicle for which they are unlicensed |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3237 |
107 |
Loading a heavy vehicle in a way that may pose danger to others or to the road |
500 AED |
6 |
7 Days |
3149 |
108 |
Overload or protruding load from a heavy vehicle without permission |
500 AED |
6 |
7 Days |
3155 |
109 |
Driving a vehicle that causes pollution |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3164 |
110 |
Stopping on the road for no reason |
500 AED |
4 |
– |
3238 |
111 |
Stopping on a yellow box |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3135 |
112 |
Not giving pedestrians way on pedestrian crossings |
500 AED |
6 |
– |
3127 |
113 |
Failure to abide by traffic signs and directions |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3138 |
114 |
Throwing waste from vehicles onto roads |
500 AED |
4 |
– |
3087 |
115 |
Refusing to give traffic police name and address when required |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3018 |
116 |
Stopping vehicle on the left side of the road in prohibited places |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3036 |
117 |
Stopping vehicle on pedestrian crossing |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3174 |
118 |
Teaching driving in a training vehicle that does not bear a learning sign |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3067 |
119 |
Teaching driving in a non-training vehicle without permission from licensing authority |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3096 |
120 |
Placing marks on the road that may damage the road or block traffic |
500 AED |
– |
– |
3064 |
121 |
Operating industrial, construction and mechanical vehicles and tractors without permission from licensing authority |
500 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3169 |
122 |
Overtaking on the hard shoulder |
600 AED |
6 |
– |
3130 |
123 |
Entering road dangerously |
600 AED |
6 |
– |
3197 |
124 |
Heavy vehicle lane discipline |
600 AED |
6 |
– |
3145 |
125 |
Overtaking from a prohibited place |
600 AED |
6 |
– |
3083 |
126 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 30km/h |
600 AED |
– |
– |
3215 |
127 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 40km/h |
700 AED |
– |
– |
3216 |
128 |
Jumping a red light |
800 AED |
8 |
15 Days |
3015 |
129 |
Running away from a traffic policeman |
800 AED |
12 |
30 Days |
3017 |
130 |
Dangerous overtaking by trucks |
800 AED |
24 |
60 Days |
3084 |
131 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 50km/h |
800 AED |
– |
– |
3217 |
132 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by not more than 60km/h |
900 AED |
6 |
– |
3218 |
133 |
Driving a vehicle without number plates |
1000 AED |
24 |
60 Days |
3156 |
134 |
Exceeding maximum speed limit by more than 60km/h |
1000 AED |
12 |
30 Days |
3219 |
135 |
Driving in a way that is dangerous to the public |
1000 AED |
12 |
30 Days |
3141 |
136 |
Parking in fire hydrant places, spaces allocated for people with special needs and ambulance parking |
1000 AED |
4 |
– |
3129 |
137 |
Driving dangerously (racing) |
2000 AED |
12 |
30 Days |
3141 |
138 |
Reckless driving |
2000 AED |
12 |
30 Days |
3140 |
139 |
Not covering loads of trucks |
3000 AED |
– |
7 Days |
3123 |
140 |
Falling or leaking load |
3000 AED |
12 |
30 Days |
3086 |
141 |
Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or similar substances |
Decided by court |
24 |
60 Days |
3236 |
142 |
Causing death of others |
Decided by court |
12 |
30 Days |
3235 |
143 |
Not stopping after causing an accident that resulted in injuries |
Decided by court |
24 |
60 Days |
3128 |
144 |
Causing a car to overturn |
Decided by court |
8 |
– |
3233 |
145 |
Causing serious injuries |
Decided by court |
8 |
– |
3232 |
146 |
Causing moderate injury |
Decided by court |
6 |
– |
3231 |
147 |
Causing serious damage to a vehicle |
Decided by court |
6 |
– |
3230 |